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来源:算命网    时间: 2023-05-06



1.The Aesthetic Style and Professional Quality of Fashion Designer;时装设计师的审美风格与专业素养

2.The requirement of super garments designer in international competition;参与国际竞争需要国际级的服装设计师


1.Designers nominate designers.设计师为设计师提名。

2.hairdressers, dancing masters, dress designers, etc.理发师、舞蹈教师、服装设计师等等,

3.Tentative Conclusion for Art Designer≠Packaging Designer刍议美术设计师≠包装设计师 时代在呼唤专业包装设计师

4.In the computer world, the construction architect is the chief hardware designer; the theater architect is the chief software designer.在计算机领域,建筑设计师就是硬件总设计师,戏院设计师就是软件总设计师。

5.Tom is the architect of this building.汤姆是该建筑的设计师。

6.marine architect船舶及海洋建筑设计师

7.The designers should look ahead.设计师应当向前看。

8.Are you a programmer?你是程序设计师吗?

9.ASID (American Society of Industrial Designers)美国工业设计师协会

10.Avoid making the user a designer【避免让用户成为设计师】

11.An Interview with Finnish Young Designer Ilkka Suppanen;走向世界的芬兰年轻设计师——设计师Ilkka Suppanen访谈录

12.dressed by a leading New York designer穿着纽约主要设计师设计的服装

13.She was dressed by a leading New York designer.她穿着纽约杰出设计师设计的服装。

14.Interior design & interior designer;室内设计&室内设计师——不断更新的内涵

15.The stress man's calculations go to the designer of the part, and he must make it as strong as the stress man says is necessary.受力师的计算结果送交部件设计师设计师英文名设计师英文名,设计师必须按照受力师所指出的必要受力强度设计部件。

16.Analysis of the Function of Designer in Brand Clothing Design--Talk about the Cultivation of A Modern Designer分析设计师在品牌服装设计中的作用——谈现代服装设计师的培养

17.There's not much more designers can do with the old cloth.“设计师们对旧布料已无计可施。

18.HIAGSED (Handbook of Instruction for Aircraft Ground Support Equipment Designers )飞机地面支援设备设计师手册


design master设计大师

1.As an architect to be a design master, there should be enough productions to back him up.在我国几十年间起伏跌宕的建筑设计背景下,从一名初出茅庐的设计人员成长为国家工程设计大师,其中的风风雨雨,或多或少都记录在他所设计的一座座建筑中。

3)female designers女设计师

4)chief designer总设计师

1.In this case,the chief designer of a project should ensure that the requirements of the customer should be met and the national laws,regulations and rules shall not disobey.在这一新形势下,项目总设计师在工程设计组织管理过程中,既要满足顾客的要求,又要做到不违反国家的法律、法规和强制性规范。

2.The thesis discusses the necessity and importance of chief designer s work,talks about the quality,professional level and capability of chief designer during the preliminary design stage,in whole design process and in the construction services.阐述了总设计师工作的必要性和重要性 ,提出了在设计前期、设计全过程及施工服务中 ,总师应具备的素质、水平和能力。


6)project engineer设计工程师;总设计师

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